Limited Lifetime Gutter Warranty on Workmanship and Materials - Warranty is not Transferable

Waterhouse Outdoor Services understands that workmanship is key to a quality job, we warranty the work of our company’s’ installers, plus all material used for the lifetime of the gutters. Warranty covers gutter installation including materials and workmanship. The warranty includes any noticeable leaks at any seams used with our silicone caulking sealant. If there are any leaks after a rainstorm or ice melting, Waterhouse Outdoor Services will schedule a service to reseal any noticeable leaks. Warranty excludes (fire, wind, ice, storms, hail, tree damage and homeowner damage.) Warranty also excludes overflow due to clogged gutters and downspouts caused by leaves and debris. Waterhouse Outdoor Services is not responsible for the cleaning for gutters if they become clogged or ice damn removal from gutter system due to lack of gutter maintenance.

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Limited Lifetime no Clog Warranty on any Gutter Protection System

Warranty covers all leaf protection systems and includes removal of debris in gutters, if they become clogged. Leaf protection systems include the following systems (K-Screen gutter guards, Bulldog gutter guards and Leaf Blaster Pro.). Warranty many not be applied if purchase of gutter protection system is installed on old gutters we did not install. We would recommend getting old gutters removed and new ones installed. This can be evaluated by condition of previously installed gutters. 

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